Monday, May 17, 2010

Write Me a Poem

January 11, 2010
Found this one in a worn pocket notebook of mine.

Write me a poem;
write me a poem.
Write me the words
     that I want to hear.
Put it in words
     that are nice to the ear.

Write me a poem;
please write me a poem.
I don't care what it says,
     it's the thought that counts;
how long doesn't matter
     it's not the amount

of words that you write in a poem.
Write in my poem
because it's my poem
     and nobody else;
because it's my poem
     I don't care if it sells.

So write me a poem—
just write me a poem.
It's a need that I have.
     I don't understand why,
but the poem fills a void
     with a thought, a laugh, or a cry.

So how about it—
you going to write
     me a poem?

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