Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lady Ocean

I've decided to chronicle my writing in somewhat of a chronological order. This is the oldest poem that I still have an original copy--anything prior was destroyed, lost, or who knows what. It was written as a Valentine for Virginia Hardin of Hodad's, Ocean Beach, CA. Virginia has sinced passed away, but I still maintain fond memories of her...and the burgers of Hodad's.

Lady Ocean

The countenance of her beach,
furrowed through the years
by numerous swells,
displays the majesty of age.

The glistening seashells, her eyes;
polished by salt waters
to a youthful shine—
treasures in the sand.

Her waves are soft laughter,
splashing us with joy;
soothing our sorrows—
enhancing our happiness.

Our lady is the ocean.
We love this ocean.
I love this lady.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Opening Line

I’ve come to the conclusion
that my happy delusions
are more of a fatality
than the pain of reality.

"Sharp Truth"
Scott D. Massey

Welcome to the Blog of Jongleur the Cupbearer!

It is here that I intend to share and showcase my artistic endeavors with the written word. Poetry, lyrics, short stories; fictional and factual; the pursuit of truth, a release of soul & spirit, a little something to think about.

I've come to the conclusion that any form of media is subject to subjectivity. Therefore, you may or may not enjoy any or all of these. And that's okay. I'm not looking for approval. I'm merely chronicling thoughts, emotions, imagination.

I also believe that the artist should continue to improve his craft. Though I enjoy the ego stroking of being told how good a particular piece may be, I truly do appreciate constructive criticism.

So, feel free to browse or peruse. All works are original and mine. Not that I'm selfish--I am sharing them with you--but you are not allowed to use them for your own purposes without permission. And remember, you are free to turn the TV off.


Jongleur the Cupbearer